Mechanical Brakes: Types, What Are They & How Do They Work

Mechanical Brakes: Types, What Are They & How Do They Work

Mechanical brakes are a type of brake system that uses friction to slow or stop a moving vehicle. They convert the kinetic energy of the moving vehicle into heat energy through friction. Mechanical brakes press brake pads against a rotating disc or drum to create friction and slow the vehicle (Mechanical Brakes Selection Guide). Mechanical…

Brake Fluid in Cars: Meaning, Uses, Function & More

Brake Fluid in Cars: Meaning, Uses, Function & More

What is Brake Fluid? Brake fluid is a hydraulic fluid used in hydraulic brake and hydraulic clutch automotive applications. Its purpose is to transfer force into pressure, and to provide lubrication for the internal mechanisms in the master cylinder, wheel cylinders and calipers. Unlike oils and transmission fluid, which provide lubrication only, brake fluid has…

Low Brake Fluid: Effects, Symptoms, Causes & More

Low Brake Fluid: Effects, Symptoms, Causes & More

What is Brake Fluid? Brake fluid is the high boiling point hydraulic fluid that is used in braking systems. It provides hydraulic pressure to activate the brakes when the brake pedal is pressed. Brake fluid serves a few critical purposes: It transfers force into pressure to activate the brakes It lubricates and protects the components…

Brake Fluid Color, Clarity & Smell: How to Check

Brake Fluid Color, Clarity & Smell: How to Check

Checking your brake fluid regularly is one of the most important maintenance tasks to ensure the safe operation of your vehicle. Maintaining the proper level and condition of brake fluid is critical because it serves as the hydraulic fluid that transmits force to your brake calipers, allowing you to slow and stop your vehicle. Over…

Fixing Brake Fluid Leaks in Cars: Methods, Process, Needed Tools & More

Fixing Brake Fluid Leaks in Cars: Methods, Process, Needed Tools & More

Brake fluid leaks are a serious issue that should be addressed immediately in order to maintain safe braking performance. Brake fluid is hygroscopic, meaning it absorbs moisture from the air over time. This causes the boiling point of the brake fluid to lower, which can lead to vapor lock in the brake lines and total…

Brake Fluid Reservoir: Meaning, Location, Functions & More

Brake Fluid Reservoir: Meaning, Location, Functions & More

What is a Brake Fluid Reservoir? The brake fluid reservoir is a plastic container that stores brake fluid for the hydraulic braking system. It is connected to the brake master cylinder and acts as a reserve supply of brake fluid. The reservoir allows for thermal expansion of the brake fluid as the brakes heat up…